We are travelers in a long journey, a very long journey indeed… and the most curious thing about our journey is its destination. The curious thing is that no matter in what direction you walk, or what goals you set for yourself, no matter what targets you try to hit or what results you want to achieve, no matter how confident you are in your step, no matter how much hesitation you have, no matter whether you lose your compass or you are permanently guided by remarkable lighthouse, you are always arriving to the same place and the same moment!
This is the curious thing about this journey: you always reach you’re here and now! The destination despite your plans is always the same… and the time is also the same…. What matters is indeed not where and when to reach. The joy sought is not the joy of arrival.
Well, another curious thing is you’ll never arrive. Simply because you have never departed. You have always always been there!
It is not the where and when… it’s the how! It is not the joy of harvesting the fruit that the old farmer seeks, it is the joy of growing the tree and taking care of it. It is not the joy of having a ready painting that an artist wants, but the joy of painting. Not the joy of the result but of the process. It is the joy of making each and every step! The joy of making each and every breath! The joy of being.
The only goal in life is life! The only destination is here… and the moment we grasp this truth all other goals can be very very very close to achieve!