Seeds of Bliss

Why Seeds of Bliss Deep Meditation Course?

Seeds of Bliss is a compact, practical, and efficient workshop that provides empowering and evidence-based tools and techniques for an improved life (health, relationships, and career).

The course includes the following

Learning to meditate with personal mantras that are individually chosen to suit each person’s nervous system type according to the ancient Indian wisdom.
Mantras are powerful sound formulas (vibrations) that have no verbal meaning but have an enormous relaxing effect on the mind and body. Modern science shows that meditation using these seed sounds is far more efficient than any other type of meditation.

Individual Mantras are chosen by a well-trained instructor who tests your body type to find which mantra from the set of individual mantras suites your nervous system. A good analogy would be to compare the effect of colors on different people. Some people may feel relaxed in a room painted red; others may feel it disturbing. If we are aware of the effect of colors on our nervous systems we may not that aware of the subtle effect of sounds and vibrations.
Energy Healing (similar to Reiki) with special breathing techniques as simple tools to balance the body’s energy and self-heal.
The air we breathe is not just a combination of gases. It is a living energy that brings us health and vitality. If the flow of this energy is blocked in any part of your body, disease follows. Many of us have heard of Reiki and Pranic healing – a practice in which a trained healer uses energy to soothe pain and sometimes heal a disease. Certain pranayamas (breathing exercises) open your energy channels and allow you to become your own healer – something similar to Reiki I level.

In Seeds of Bliss you will learn how to activate this energy and apply it on your body as you prepare yourself for meditation.

Some of the benefits include

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Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Decreased Depression
Reduced Insomnia
Lower Blood Pressure
Decreased Cholesterol
Reduced Congestive Heart Failure
Reduced Atherosclerosis/Stroke
Decreased Free Radicals
Reduced Metabolic
Syndrome/ Pre-Diabetes
Reduced Cardiovascular
Reduced Risk Factors
Reduced Pain
Decreased Health Care Utilization and Costs
Higher Levels of Brain Functioning
Improved Intelligence, Creativity, and Learning Ability
Advancement in Academics
Improved School Behavior
Benefits for Special and Remedial Education
Improved Integration of Personality
Increased Longevity
Reduced Substance Abuse

Extended Seeds of Bliss Meditation course

In addition to the elements mentioned above the extended course contains:
Instructions for a balanced set of yogic postures for a daily practice. This set of postures activates the body energy in a balanced way and keeps the body active and healthy.
The postures are taught here convey the maximum benefits of a full yoga session in minimal time. You will be trained to maintain perfect alignment, allowing you to practice at home without the supervision of an instructor.
Laws of efficiency: Spiritual growth is inseparable from everyday life. This realm of relative manifestation is the field of most of our experiences. In addition to releasing accumulated stress in SBDM we and learn about the universal laws of efficiency and prosperity - how to accomplish more with minimal effort by applying these laws in your daily life.
Like most things in life, success has its rules. Learning these rules and acting in accordance to them helps you achieve your goals without the burden of stress. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, stress will paralyze you and hinder progress in your mission. In Seeds of Bliss, you will learn yogic habits that will help you with challenges skilfully and to turn them into a positive life experience. What is more vital than releasing stress in order to enjoy LIFE?
  • Dr Hisham is one of the greatest teachers in the world, he taught me how to communicate in silence, how to be calm, he is caring loving and i felt like i know him since along time.
    He is an inspiration 💖🙏
    YTT student
  • "I did the teacher training with Dr hicham and he passed on a lot of knowledge and life experiences that he lived with the monks. His way of teaching is very personal and difficult to find in other schools. He is a funny but very professional person."
    Yoga Student
  • "I have finally found my teacher. Dr Hicham is the most calm and reliable person I have ever met. He is a mind of knowledge, wisdom, spiritual wealth. Despite his experience and years of teaching he is humble and always ready to listen to people. I was lucky enough to talk to him about many things and open my mind to every vision of him."
    Yoga Teacher

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