بين السكون والذات لعل من أكثر التجارب ندرة تلك التي تقودك فيها لحظات ت... Uncategorized - June 7, 2022
النظارات الملونة لعل أكبر لغط يعانيه أبناء زماننا فيما يخص جوهر السل�... Uncategorized - June 7, 2022
How Can I Let Go of the Past that I Honor? Q. I was thinking during, and obviously after, the last meditation session and discourse of th... Uncategorized - June 6, 2022
Inner Pace or a Warrior's Break I have reached a mini state of calmness due to meditation. But I still sometimes experience up... Uncategorized - June 6, 2022
To Notice or to "Stop" Thoughts in Meditation? Q. During meditation there was a lot of thoughts. But I was able to see them from aside. I was... Uncategorized - June 6, 2022
Kleshas: The Cause of Suffering A wise, discriminating person sees all worldly experiences as painful, because of reasoning th... Uncategorized - June 6, 2022